As I lie on my bed,

alone with my thoughts,

I stumble on a curious question.

What is life?

Is it the rhythmic beating of your organ

that drives you to breathe down each mouth of air

to march on your feet?

Or was it the hopeful gaze

following the loud cries

as a new one steps into the new world?

Or was it the old man

who weeped of his pathetic memories

and sipped wine while staring bleakly at the sky?

I purse my lips

and close my eyes.

No. None of these. That isn’t life.

Or…could it be when the girl curved her lips

to shape a smile,

sweet as a cherry

which made the boy red?

Or…was it the two shadows of the children

who walked together

and promised to always be friends?

Or was it a promise?

Hidden under the depths of your mind

feeling it peel off each layer after you endure another journey.

Was it a promise?

That started from the first gust of air that rushed into your nose

and ended when your vision blackened for the last time?

Could it be a promise?

With a warm figure, that crept beside you

and watched you closely

and waited patiently

and when you were done with all your adventures

all your misery

all your joy

all your anger

all your fear

did you finally turn your head

and meet her cheerful pupils

whispering I’m ready

as she holds out her hand?

By then…would you hold onto it?

It doesn’t really matter, doesn’t it?

That’s when it all ends

like the last petal that falls away from the wilted rose

elegant, but filled with the bittersweet forgiveness

of melancholy

Perhaps I was overthinking

but for a minute thereI imagined her

laughing as she walked beside you

. ★∵**☆∴☆∵**★.

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