Moments slip by into days, weeks, and then months. A year has passed, and this fantastic student-created magazine is a year old. When in the throes of creating and nurturing ideas, projects, or anything birthed from the mind, detail is tended to with such focus and passion that one doesn’t notice the incredible outcome until you step back. The students who have conceived this magazine from its beginning and given it unconditional support should feel an overwhelming pride as they contemplate these past 12 months. They are the ones who set the foundation for others to build. Many of the charter editors will be leaving this year to fulfill their dreams in other global endeavors – to them; I ask that they never think of this project as a minor moment in their lives. This past year has been instrumental in setting a solid foundation for young writers and artists to express themselves, find their voice, and show the world who they are. I could not be prouder. Thank you for making a dream come true.

– Patti McAlpine


All three of my most unforgettable experiences involving The PVLSE occurred when I invited a person or friend I knew to help out with the magazine. For two of my friends, I interviewed them about their experiences with Covid-19, Generation Z, and other topics. For another friend, I collaborated with her to record a video of her reading one of her poems. During my conversations with all three of these people, I was surprised and even touched when they revealed problems or insecurities to me that I had never known about before. In some instances, because of these interactions, we ended up becoming very close. I did not expect to form such deep connections with these people, and I’m glad The PVLSE gave me a chance to genuinely get to know my acquaintances.

– Zoe T


I’ve enjoyed working with The PVLSE, finding some of the best young talents in the national writers body. It is amazing to see how fellow students can have the courage to speak up for themselves about a variety of topics. I hope that this wonderful experience can continue in our next year and sincerely thanks to all the readers who are here to support us.

– Eric J


What sparked the fireworks between The PVLSE and me was a spontaneous conversation brought up by my fellow teammate Eric, an idea originally planned for creating a platform for all youth writers to shine. Our first official conference expanded this project from pure writing to a magazine containing several sections, and as Eric “advertised” me to dear Ms. McAlpine, I brought it up and was assigned to take charge of the visuals of this magazine. The conference ended with me eating a delicious beef steak all by myself, and whatever was discussed was immediately put into action, including the project name, and that was the birth of The PVLSE. From there, I continue my journey with the visual section, taking charge of several covers and creating connections with artistic submitters, which is a chance granted by The PVLSE.

– Asteria X


As an editor, I’ve read so many amazing stories in the past year, and am truly impressed with the literary skill of our contributors. I’m really proud to see how the magazine has grown from that one meeting in a coffee shop a year ago to an official account and several issues! Let’s hope the next year brings even better things 🙂

– Kateryna G


The PVLSE was probably one of the most rewarding but also great things I’ve had the opportunity of contributing to. The people I’ve had a chance to meet and work alongside and befriend are some of the most creative and coolest people I’ve met. The PVLSE reignited my passion for writing again and allowed me a space to creatively write and publish work I’ve wanted to make. I’m glad to be a part of this amazing team of artists, writers and designers.

– Ashlyn P


As an editor and magazine page designer, I really found my creative instincts come to life at PVLSE. As an editor I was really able to connect with student writers and read amazing work from our peers. As a designer, I was able to use the text and present it in a creative manner. Overall, I really enjoy working with the entire PVLSE team as we put out more issues and content together!

– Cindy N


Other than submitting my poem, I am also an editor and designer of the PVLSE. I only joined this digital magazine club recently, and it has given me the chance to read excellent submissions and format the final magazine.

– Momoka S


The best thing about being part of the PVLSE Editorial team is being able to work with warm and considerate people. The sense of community is so special and I’m glad to be part of the team. Happy 1st anniversary!

– Jessica T


I joined the editorial team extremely nervous: when was the last time I talked with anyone in English. It turned out that I did not have to worry. The team is extremely nice, friendly, and very inclusive. No toxicity is found here. It even influenced my way of talking to my friends IRL.Oh and, I “stole” a few super cute emojis from the team. I love working in this team.

– James Z


I was introduced to The PVLSE just over two months ago and it has been amazing to see the works of so many different people week after week. For the past eight weeks, the highlight of my Fridays was getting to see a new publication of the PVLSE’s Weekly Highlights, I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for the PVLSE.

– Destiny G