A ball swooshes across the grass field and slams into the white net. The girls scream and the scorer runs towards them with her hands raised. They high-five her and hug each other, forming a circle of hugs. Andrea falls onto the field smiling. She replays her kick in her mind.

Her agile legs move against the wind and her shoe’s studs click against the grass. She looks at Liz who is in the opposite lane. Liz dribbles the ball forward and she rushes toward the goal. Liz raises her head and their eyes meet.
Liz strikes the ball.
The ball shoots toward Andrea’s legs and she halts the ball. She eyes the girl standing in front of the net. The girl’s hands, covered in neon gloves, are poised in front of her chest.
Andrea lifts her leg. Her practice kicks flash through her mind and her leg swings down. The ball blasts into the air and zooms past the neon gloves. The girls shriek.
Andrea hears the girls laugh. Two girls, hands intertwined, whirl around in the middle of the field.
Andrea presses her hand against the soft grass.
What could be more precious than this field of laughter, sweat, and pride?
She screamed happily not because she gained glory. She is a winner because she ran, dribbled, and scored with her teammates. Teammates who work together to think of an issue’s best solution. Friends who extend their hand when another falls.

She rises from the field and leans on the chain-link fence.
Some say the fence’s purpose is to shield the passersby from falling balls. But she knows its true purpose.
The fence is a closet—the storage of happiness’ components. Once she leaves the field, the unbreakable fence safe keeps her treasure. Through storms of sadness, it stands untouched, faithfully protecting its interior.
Among the various components the fence protects, her favorite is the soccer ball.
She loves watching the ball launch into the air. How easily it punches time’s weight off her shoulders and breaks the metal chains she drags.
“C’mon, Andrea,” Liz calls. Her friends stand in their positions, waving. Everyone is smiling—the curves of tiredness and stress vanished.
Andrea jumps and runs to the empty position. “I’m ready!”